Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Frustration and Learning

I've been following a blog related to living as a Godly wife and mother. The mothering conversations didn't apply to me, but I still read them and enjoyed the blog. I was gleaning ideas on how to be a good wife to Chris, and how to run our home. A few weeks ago, I actually commented on one of the blog posts. I guess the writer decided she needed to set me straight on the issue, so she e-mailed me. Here's what she said:

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is biblical for the wife to be working outside the home after the arrival of children, so I do not believe I can address that issue. I would encourage you to search the Scriptures and pray together with your husband on the topic. I believe there are great benefits and rewards for being at home and raising my children. I know I could not personally successfully manage a career and my home simultaneously. My goal is to simply care for, nurture, and train my children to love the Lord. That is a full time job. I pray the Lord would guide you in this decision making process. It is certainly possible to live on one income. I can testify to that! And it is a beautiful adventure!

She doesn't believe it is biblical? I have searched Scripture, and my Bible seems to have left that part out. Actually, in Proverbs 31, the woman Soloman described works A LOT outside of her home. She makes clothes and sells them. Sounds like a job to me. I am not trying to say that her (the blogger's) choice of staying at home is stupid. Far from it. If I felt God wanted me in my home 24/7 to raise my children, I would do everything in my power to do it. I don't feel like God brought me through 4 years of nursing school to NOT be a nurse. I plan on working fewer hours once we've had children. I also plan to work less after we're out of debt. But I don't believe God wants to me drop my career and hard work. What would I be teaching my children then?

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